Table of Contents
August 9, 2024
min read

How to Announce a New Website Launch [2023]

Tetiana Kondratieva
Head of Marketing at Natively

Introduction: The Importance of a Website Launch Announcement

In the digital age, a website serves as the virtual storefront for businesses, influencers, and organizations alike. As such, the launch or relaunch of a website is a pivotal moment, akin to opening a new physical store or office. A website launch isn't just about showcasing a new design or features; it's a declaration of growth, evolution, and renewed commitment to one's audience.

A well-planned website launch announcement is more than just an informative gesture. It's a strategic move that can significantly amplify brand visibility, re-engage existing users, and attract new visitors. When executed effectively, this announcement can create a buzz, generate anticipation, and set the stage for increased user engagement and conversions.

However, the sheer magnitude of content on the internet means that even the most impressive websites can go unnoticed without a proper announcement strategy. This is where the power of a website launch announcement comes into play. By effectively communicating the value and offerings of the new website, businesses can ensure that their target audience is not only aware but also excited about what's to come.

In the upcoming chapters, we'll delve deeper into the intricacies of announcing a website launch in 2023, ensuring that your brand stands out and makes a lasting impression in the ever-evolving digital landscape.

Announcing a New Website: Pre-launch strategy

Crafting the Perfect Pre-Launch Teasers

Anticipation is a potent tool in the world of marketing. Just as movie trailers generate excitement for upcoming films, pre-launch teasers play a crucial role in setting the stage for a successful website launch. By creating a sense of anticipation, businesses can ensure that their audience is eagerly awaiting the unveiling of their new or revamped website.

Teasers, whether they're sneak peeks of the new design, countdowns to the launch date, or behind-the-scenes glimpses, can generate significant buzz. These snippets not only inform but also engage the audience, making them feel a part of the brand's journey. The key is to craft posts that go beyond the generic "website launch coming soon" and truly resonate with the audience, sparking curiosity and conversation.

Engaging Visuals: Making a Lasting Impression

In the vast digital landscape, visuals serve as the beacon that draws attention. When announcing a website launch, the design and aesthetics play a pivotal role in capturing and retaining the audience's interest. After all, a picture speaks a thousand words, and in the context of a website launch announcement, it can be the difference between a fleeting glance and a deep dive into your new site.

Modern tools and platforms have democratized the creation of stunning visuals. Platforms like Canva empower even those without a background in graphic design to craft engaging, professional-quality graphics tailored for various platforms. Whether it's a captivating banner for your email campaign, a teaser image for social media, or an animated countdown, tools like these ensure that your visuals resonate with the announcement's significance.

Website announcement templates | Canva

Special Offers and Incentives: Driving Traffic and Engagement

One of the most effective strategies to amplify the impact of a website launch announcement is to pair it with enticing offers and incentives. In a world where consumers are constantly bombarded with information, special deals and exclusive content can be the magnetic pull that draws them to explore your new digital domain.

Early bird offers and promotions hold a special charm. By prioritizing those who act quickly, businesses can create a buzz and a sense of FOMO (Fear of Missing Out) among their audience. This strategy can be particularly effective in the initial days following the website launch announcement, ensuring a steady stream of visitors eager to capitalize on the exclusive deals.

Website announcement email example

Authentic Engagement: Building Trust and Loyalty

A genuine brand voice is pivotal in this endeavor. It's the voice that speaks to the audience, not to them. It's the voice that resonates, that feels familiar, and that evokes trust. When crafting a website launch announcement, this voice should echo the brand's core values, ensuring the message feels personal and genuine.

But authentic engagement isn't just about words; it's about creating connections on a deeper, emotional level. It's about understanding the aspirations, challenges, and needs of the audience and addressing them sincerely. Whether through heartfelt stories, user testimonials, or interactive content, diving deeper into the emotional realm can transform passive observers into active participants and advocates.

The Big Reveal: Strategies for Launch Day

The day has arrived. Months of planning, designing, and testing culminate in this moment: the official website launch. But how you introduce your new digital space to the world can make all the difference in its initial reception and long-term success.

Firstly, businesses must decide on the nature of the launch. A grand launch is a full-scale announcement, creating a significant splash in the digital realm. It's about making a statement, and ensuring that the website launch announcement is heard loud and clear. 

On the other hand, a soft opening allows a limited audience to explore the site first. This approach can be beneficial for gathering initial feedback and making last-minute tweaks, ensuring that when the broader audience arrives, they experience a polished product.

Lastly, it's essential to highlight the key features and benefits of the new website in the announcement. It's not just about what's new; it's about why it matters. Whether it's a more user-friendly interface, new interactive features, or exclusive content, emphasizing these elements can drive user curiosity and engagement.

Press Release

Announcing a new website launch through a press release is a traditional yet effective method to reach a broader audience, especially industry professionals, journalists, and other stakeholders. 

Here's a step-by-step guide on how to craft and distribute a press release for your website launch:

1. Crafting the Press Release:

  • Headline: Start with a compelling headline that clearly states the news – the launch of your new website.
  • Subheadline: Provide a brief description or tagline that offers more details about the launch.
  • Introduction: In the first paragraph, answer the 5 Ws – Who, What, When, Where, and Why. This should give readers a clear overview of the announcement.
  • Body: Detail the key features and benefits of the new website. Highlight any unique selling points (USPs) or differentiators from the old website or competitors. Include quotes from company leaders or stakeholders, emphasizing the significance of the launch.
  • Multimedia Elements: Incorporate high-quality images or screenshots of the website. If available, link to a launch video or other multimedia content.
  • Boilerplate: Conclude with a standard company boilerplate, providing background information about your company and its mission.
  • Contact Information: List the contact details for press inquiries, including a name, phone number, and email address.

2. Optimize for SEO: Ensure that your press release includes relevant keywords related to your industry and website launch. This will help in making your press release discoverable online.

3. Distribution:

  • Targeted Distribution: Send the press release to journalists, bloggers, and media outlets that cover your industry or niche.
  • Press Release Distribution Services: Use services like PR Newswire, Business Wire, or PRWeb to distribute your press release to a wider audience.
  • Company Website: Publish the press release in the "News" or "Press" section of your own website.

4. Follow-Up:

  • Engage with Journalists: After sending out the press release, follow up with key journalists or media outlets to ensure they received it and to answer any questions.
  • Monitor Coverage: Track where your press release gets published and engage with any resultant coverage, such as articles or interviews.

5. Leverage Social Media: Share the press release or any resultant media coverage on your company's social media channels to amplify its reach.

6. Engage with Feedback: If journalists or industry professionals provide feedback or ask for more details, be prompt and helpful in your responses.

7. Analyze and Learn: Monitor the traffic and engagement metrics resulting from the press release. This can provide insights for future announcements or PR campaigns.

A well-crafted and strategically distributed press release can significantly boost the visibility of your website launch, reaching audiences beyond your immediate network and establishing credibility in the industry.

E-mail Announcement 

Announcing a new website launch via email is a direct and personalized way to inform and engage your existing subscribers, customers, or stakeholders. 

Below is a detailed roadmap to help you design and circulate an email notification for your website's debut:

1. Crafting the Email:

  • Subject Line: Create a compelling subject line that grabs attention. Examples: "Introducing Our Brand New Website!" or "Experience Our New Digital Home!"
  • Personalization: Use the recipient's name, if possible, to make the email feel more personal and tailored.
  • Visual Appeal: Incorporate visuals from your new website, such as screenshots, banners, or even GIFs showcasing the new features.
  • Clear Messaging: Clearly communicate the benefits and features of the new website. Highlight what's new, improved, or unique.
  • Testimonials: If you've had beta testers or early visitors, include a few positive testimonials or feedback about the new site.
  • Exclusive Offers: Consider offering a special promotion or discount to encourage recipients to visit the new website.

2. Clear Call to Action (CTA):

  • Use a prominent CTA button or a link urging recipients to "Visit the New Site," "Explore Now," or "See What's New."
  • Ensure the CTA stands out visually and is easily clickable, especially on mobile devices.

3. Engage on a Personal Level:

  • Storytelling: Share the journey or the reasons behind the redesign or relaunch. This can create a deeper connection with your audience.
  • Video Content: Consider embedding or linking to a short video that introduces the new website or provides a walkthrough.

4. Optimize for Mobile: Ensure that the email is mobile-responsive, as a significant portion of users might open the email on their mobile devices.

5. Segmentation: If you have different audience segments, consider tailoring the announcement slightly for each segment to make it more relevant.

6. Test Before Sending:

  • Send test emails to ensure that the formatting is correct, links work, and there are no typos or errors.
  • Consider A/B testing different subject lines or CTAs to see which performs better.

7. Distribution:

  • Timing: Choose an optimal time to send the email, considering the habits and time zones of your audience.
  • Follow-Up: Consider sending a follow-up email to those who didn't open the initial announcement, or to highlight additional features or offers related to the new website.

8. Engage with Feedback: Encourage recipients to provide feedback on the new website and be responsive to any feedback or inquiries that come in.

9. Analyze Performance: Use email analytics to track open rates, click-through rates, and other engagement metrics. This can provide insights for future email campaigns.

10. Integration with Other Channels: Promote the email announcement on your social media channels, website, or other platforms to ensure maximum reach.

website announcement email

An email announcement, when done right, can drive significant traffic to your new website and re-engage subscribers or customers who might have been inactive. Ensure your messaging is clear, engaging, and provides value to the recipient.

Social Media

Announcing a new website launch using social media is a powerful way to reach a broad audience quickly and generate buzz. Below is a comprehensive stepwise manual for leveraging social media efficiently to announce your website launch:

1. Pre-Launch Teasers:

  • Countdown Posts: Start a countdown a week or a few days before the launch. This builds anticipation among your followers.
  • Sneak Peeks: Share glimpses of the new design, features, or content to pique interest.

2. Engaging Visual Content:

  • Graphics and Banners: Create eye-catching graphics that highlight the new website's features or the launch date.
  • Launch Video: Produce a short video introducing the new website, showcasing its features, and inviting viewers to visit.

3. Go Live Sessions:

  • Interactive Launch: Use platforms like Facebook Live, Instagram Live, or YouTube Live to introduce the new website in real-time. Walk viewers through the site and answer questions.
  • Guest Appearances: Invite influencers or industry experts to join your live sessions, discussing the new website and its benefits.

4. User Engagement:

  • Polls and Surveys: Use polls on platforms like Instagram or Twitter to engage users, asking them about features they're excited about or what they expect from the new site.
  • User-Generated Content: Encourage followers to share their experiences or reviews of the new website, using a specific hashtag.

5. Collaborate with Influencers:

  • Partnerships: Partner with social media influencers in your industry to review or introduce your new website to their audience.
  • Takeovers: Allow an influencer to take over your social media account for a day, focusing on promoting the new website.

6. Pin Important Announcements: Pin the website launch announcement post to the top of your social media profiles, ensuring maximum visibility for visitors.

7. Share Behind-the-Scenes Content:

  • Creation Process: Share stories or posts about the making of the new website, highlighting challenges, achievements, and team efforts.
  • Testimonials: Share feedback or testimonials from beta testers or early visitors.

8. Special Offers and Promotions:

  • Exclusive Deals: Announce special offers or discounts available exclusively for those who visit the new website through social media links.
  • Contests: Run a contest where users can win prizes for sharing the announcement, tagging friends, or engaging with launch-related content.

9. Engage with Comments and Feedback:

  • Active Responses: Actively respond to comments, questions, and feedback on your posts. This shows that you value your audience's input and engagement.
  • Share Positive Feedback: Repost positive comments or feedback about the new website to build credibility and trust.

10. Cross-Promotion / Multiple Platforms: Ensure you announce the website launch across all your social media platforms, tailoring the content to fit each platform's unique audience and format.

website announcement Twitter post example

Remember, consistency is vital. Maintain a regular posting schedule leading up to and following the launch to keep the momentum going. With the right strategies, social media can significantly amplify your website launch announcement and drive substantial traffic to your new site.

Your Old Website

Announcing a new website launch using your old website is a strategic move, as you already have an existing audience that can be informed and transitioned smoothly. Here's how you can effectively use your old website to announce the launch of your new site:

1. Announcement Banner:

  • Prominent Display: Place a noticeable banner at the top or bottom of your old website, announcing the upcoming launch of the new site.
  • Countdown Timer: Add a countdown timer to build anticipation and let visitors know when the new website will go live.

2. Pop-Up Notification:

  • Engaging Message: Use a pop-up window to inform visitors about the new website. Ensure the message is concise and compelling.
  • Opt-in for Updates: Allow visitors to enter their email to receive updates or notifications about the new website launch.

3. Dedicated Landing Page:

  • Details and Sneak Peeks: Create a landing page on your old website that provides details about the new website, including features, improvements, and sneak peeks.
  • Feedback Form: Allow users to provide feedback or ask questions about the upcoming website.

4. Blog Post or News Update:

  • Announcement Details: Write a detailed post about the reasons for the new website, the benefits, and what users can expect.
  • Engage with Comments: Encourage users to comment on the post and engage with them by answering questions and acknowledging feedback.

5. Interactive Features:

  • Quizzes or Polls: Introduce quizzes or polls asking users what features they're most excited about or what they'd like to see on the new website.
  • Teasers: Share teasers or previews of the new design, layout, or features.

6. Promotions or Special Offers:

  • Exclusive Deals: Offer special deals or promotions for users who sign up or make a purchase on the new website during the initial launch period.
  • Loyalty Rewards: Reward loyal customers of the old website with exclusive benefits on the new site.

7. Social Media Integration:

  • Share Buttons: Encourage users to share the news of the upcoming website launch on their social media platforms.
  • Embedded Posts: Embed social media posts related to the new website launch on your old site to generate buzz.

8. Feedback and User Testing:

  • Beta Testing: Invite a select group of users from your old website to beta test the new site. Their feedback can be invaluable for making final tweaks.
  • Surveys: Conduct surveys to understand user expectations and preferences for the new website.

9. Clear Redirection:

  • Seamless Transition: Once the new website is live, ensure that visitors to the old site are seamlessly redirected to the new one.
  • Archival Note: Consider leaving a note on the old website (if it remains accessible) about the transition, with a link to the new site.

10. Consistent Branding: Ensure that branding elements (like logos, color schemes) are consistent between the old and new sites to maintain familiarity for returning users.

By leveraging your old website, you can ensure that your existing audience is well-informed and excited about the transition, leading to a successful new website launch.

Website announcement banner example

Launch Video

Using a launch video to announce a new website is an engaging and dynamic way to capture attention. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to effectively announce your new website launch using a launch video:

1. Define Your Message:

  • Core Message: Clearly define what you want to convey. Is it the new features of your website, its user-friendliness, or the problems it aims to solve for users?
  • Target Audience: Understand who you're speaking to. Tailor your message to resonate with your primary audience.

2. Storyboard and Script:

  • Visual Storytelling: Create a storyboard that visually represents each scene of your video.
  • Compelling Script: Write a script that's concise yet engaging. Ensure it communicates the benefits and features of your new website.

3. High-Quality Production:

  • Professional Equipment: Use good quality cameras, microphones, and lighting to ensure your video looks and sounds professional.
  • Branding: Incorporate your brand colors, logos, and other branding elements to make the video consistent with your brand identity.

4. Engaging Visuals and Animation:

  • Website Walkthrough: Showcase key sections of your website, highlighting new features or improvements.
  • Animations: Use animations to explain complex features simply or to add a dynamic touch to your video.

5. Incorporate Testimonials:

  • If possible, include short testimonials from beta testers or loyal customers who've had a preview of the new website. This adds credibility to your announcement.

6. Clear Call to Action (CTA):

  • Visit the Website: Encourage viewers to visit your new website.
  • Share the Video: Ask viewers to share the video with their network, amplifying its reach.

7. Optimize for Platforms:

  • Platform-Specific Edits: Depending on where you're sharing the video (e.g., YouTube, Instagram, Facebook), you might need different versions to fit platform-specific requirements.
  • SEO: If uploading to YouTube, optimize the title, description, and tags for search.

8. Promote the Video:

  • Website: Feature the video prominently on your website's homepage.
  • Social Media: Share the video across all your social media channels.
  • Email Campaign: Send out an email blast to your subscribers with the video embedded or linked.
  • Paid Advertising: Consider using paid ads to promote your video to a broader audience.

9. Engage with Your Audience:

  • Comments and Feedback: Engage with viewers by responding to comments and feedback on the video.
  • Analyze Performance: Use analytics tools to track the video's performance. This can provide insights for future campaigns.

10. Follow-Up Content:

  • Behind-the-Scenes: Share behind-the-scenes content from the making of the video or the website.
  • Tutorials: Create follow-up videos that dive deeper into specific features of the website.

Remember, the goal of the launch video is not just to announce the new website but to generate excitement and encourage viewers to visit and explore the site. Ensure your video is engaging, informative, and aligns with your brand's voice and identity.

Word of Mouth 

Announcing a new website launch using Word of Mouth (WoM) is a powerful strategy, as personal recommendations often carry more weight than impersonal advertisements. Here's how you can effectively use WoM to announce your new website launch:

1. Engage Your Team:

  • Internal Advocacy: Before reaching out to the external audience, ensure that your team, from top management to entry-level employees, is excited about the new website. They should be well-informed about its features and benefits.
  • Encourage Sharing: Motivate your team members to share the news with their friends, family, and professional networks.

2. Leverage Loyal Customers:

  • Exclusive Previews: Offer your most loyal customers or clients an exclusive preview of the new website before the official launch. Their excitement can lead to them sharing the news within their circles.
  • Testimonials: Request testimonials from satisfied customers and encourage them to share their positive experiences with others.

3. Host an Event:

  • Launch Party: Organize a physical or virtual launch party and invite stakeholders, loyal customers, industry peers, and local influencers. Attendees will naturally talk about the event and, by extension, your new website.
  • Engage Local Media: Invite local journalists or bloggers to the event. Their coverage can stimulate word-of-mouth buzz.

4. Networking:

  • Industry Events: Attend industry conferences, seminars, or workshops and use the opportunity to talk about your new website.
  • Local Community: Engage with local business groups, chambers of commerce, or community events to spread the word.

5. Referral Programs: Incentivize Sharing: Offer rewards or discounts to users who refer others to your new website. This can motivate them to share the news with their networks.

6. Engage with Influencers:

  • Partnerships: Collaborate with industry influencers or local personalities. Their endorsement can lead to increased word-of-mouth referrals.
  • Guest Blogging: Write guest posts for influential blogs in your industry, and subtly mention your new website.

7. Feedback and Improvement:

  • Open Channels: Encourage feedback from early visitors. When they see their suggestions being implemented, they're more likely to talk about your website positively.
  • Show Appreciation: Thank users for their feedback and suggestions. A simple thank-you can turn a visitor into an advocate.

Remember, the key to successful Word of Mouth is authenticity. Genuine enthusiasm, a quality website, and sincere interactions will naturally lead to positive conversations and recommendations.

Post-Launch Strategies: Maintaining Momentum and Interest

The fanfare of a website launch announcement is undoubtedly exhilarating, but what truly determines the success of a website launch is the sustained interest and engagement in the days, weeks, and months that follow. The post-launch phase is critical, as it sets the tone for the website's long-term performance and user engagement.

A key component of post-launch strategy is data analysis. By closely monitoring metrics and user behavior, businesses can gauge the effectiveness of their website launch campaign. This data provides insights into which strategies resonated with the audience and which areas need refinement. Whether it's tracking page views, bounce rates, or conversion metrics, data-driven decisions can optimize the user experience and ensure continued growth.

Continuous engagement is the lifeblood of any digital platform. Even after the initial website launch announcement, it's essential to keep the audience engaged and informed. Regularly showcasing new features, updates, and sharing user testimonials can rekindle interest and demonstrate the website's evolving value proposition. These updates not only keep the content fresh but also reinforce the brand's commitment to innovation and user satisfaction.

Website post-announcement strategy

Fostering a two-way communication channel is paramount. Encouraging user feedback provides invaluable insights into areas of improvement. Whether it's through feedback forms, surveys, or social media interactions, understanding user perspectives can guide refinements and enhancements. Moreover, acting on this feedback and making necessary improvements showcases a brand's responsiveness and dedication to its user base.

The last element of your post-launch strategy is that you can leverage web2app service Natively to expand your website's reach by converting it into native mobile apps. This will provide your users with a more personalized and efficient experience, potentially increasing user engagement and retention. Additionally, with the native features they offer, you can enhance user interaction, monetize your platform, and gather valuable insights through analytics.

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